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Shanghai Walk – Part 1

Influenced by the works of Richard Long and Hamish Fulton, I began a series of “Walks” throughout Shanghai. The purpose behind these walks was to uncover hidden spaces and fleeting moments within the city. While I had set criteria for these excursions, I allowed my personal connection with the city’s geography to organically lead me on my journey.

During my walks, I stumbled upon a network of almost abandoned backstreets. Though a few residents still called this area home, the absence of commercial activity created a desolate ambience and a transient emptiness that seemed to cover the entire area. This was a surprising find as it is located right in the centre of the city.

I was taken in by the spaces and connected to their fleeting feeling. The area was surrounded by construction sites. These areas too were marked for renovation and demolition shortly. I realised that the space was in its last days. All homes were bordered up and any sign of life was removed, while curiously everything seemed to be painted in the same colour. 

Leaving a Temporary Trace:

As I carried a piece of white chalk, I intentionally decided to create a lasting memory in the places that struck a chord with me along my journey. By inscribing a wall or signpost with a material meant to fade quickly, I sensed a transient bond forming between myself and the space. These markings served as a poignant reminder of my presence in that specific moment and place, destined to be a brief yet meaningful testament to my connection with the surroundings.


Instead of writing, I thought of creating a small drawing on one of the abandoned walls.

Walking deeper into the surroundings, I stumbled upon streets with visuals that compelled me to mark that moment with chalk.

What initially started as an attempt to capture the moment evolved into a creative endeavour. It transformed into a distinctive form of artistic expression, a way for me to imprint my presence on the streets, creating a blend of art and environment.

Going Forward

Continue to do these walks around Shanghai and while travelling and leave ‘marks’ of moments or presence on them.

Video footage as well as photos, words and drawings.

Different coloured chalk. The moment could be marked with drawings or various forms of mark-making.

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